We want everyone who visits Petersfield Museum and Art Gallery to enjoy the buildings, collections and exhibitions. If you require any further information, please call 01730 262601
SEND Resources
We have developed several resources for visitors with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).
Visual story - information about the route you will take around the Museum and Art Gallery.
Visit Planner Symbols - PECS® (Picture Exchange Communication System) style set of pictures/symbols to help you plan the sequenc
Visit Planner Map – to be used with the PECS® style set of pictures/symbols
Sensory Backpacks
Sensory Backpacks are designed for children with SEND but are freely available for everyone.
Each backpack contains:
- Ear defenders
- Hand puppet
- Selection of sensory/fidget toys
- Magnifying glass
- Sand timers
The backpacks are free to borrow from the Welcome Desk. Please just ask when your visit.