Join us in celebrating the life and work of Edward Thomas at the Edward Thomas Literary Festival 2024.

The notes that did so haunt me... Join literary critic, cultural commentator and Edward Thomas scholar, Edna Longley in this special talk centred around birds in the poems of Edward Thomas. Discover how Edward Thomas represents birdsong through his poetry and on his view of poetry as “song”. Longley will further compare works by Edward Thomas with works by W. B. Yeats and refer to how both poets drew inspiration from folksong.


About Edna Longley

Black and white image of Edna LongleyEdna Longley is a Professor Emerita in the School of English, Queen’s University Belfast. Her publications include an edition of Edward Thomas’s prose writings, A Language Not To Be Betrayed (1981) from Carcanet, and four critical books: Louis MacNeice: A Study (1988) from Faber, Poetry in the Wars (1986), The Living Stream: Literature & Revisionism in Ireland (1994) and Poetry & Posterity (2000) from Bloodaxe. She also edited The Bloodaxe Book of 20th Century Poetry (2000) and Edward Thomas: The Annotated Collected Poems (Bloodaxe Books, 2008).